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CAAM: CN Auto Sales Hike +34.4% YoY, -12.2% MoM in Feb
2025-03-11 14:39:16
In February, the production/ sales of autos amounted to 2.103 million/ 2.129 million units, down 14.1%/ 12.2% MoM, and up 39.6%/ 34.4% YoY, respectively, according to the latest production and sales data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM).

Domestic sales volume amounted to 1.688 million, down 13.6% MoM and up 39.9% YoY. Of which, the domestic sales of conventional fuel vehicles amounted to 927,000 units, down 20.1% MoM and up 14.3% YoY.

AAStocks Financial News
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