HSI1 | 23,859.23 | +77.09 | 4.42B |
HSCEI1 | 8,803.67 | +48.30 | 2.97B |
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CN NEV Production, Sales, Exports Surge 50%+ Each in 2M25
2025-03-11 14:03:33 China’s automobile production and sales volume maintained sturdy growth in 2M25, with new energy vehicles (NEVs) delivering standout performance in production, sales, and exports, as the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) released data showing. The total auto production and sales reached 4.553 million and 4.552 million units, respectively, reflecting YoY increases of 16.2% and 13.1%, based on the data. NEVs, in particular, saw robust growth surpassing 50% YoY each for production, sales, and exports. NEV production and sales hit 1.903 million and 1.835 million units, respectively, both up 52% YoY. ~ AAStocks Financial News Web Site: www.aastocks.com |