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Citi Rates WHARF REIC as Buy; 2024 Profit Resilient
2025-03-11 12:54:29
Despite rental challenges, WHARF REIC (01997.HK) delivered resilient profit performance in FY24 on the back of lower financing costs, according to a report from Citi.

WHARF REIC's FY24 underlying net profit increased by 2% YoY to $6.139 billion, while its borrowing costs decreased by 10% YoY with lower impairment loss on development properties.

Meanwhile, the company's net profit amounted to $891 million because of a $5.6 billion loss in the fair value of investment properties (a 3% decline in investment property valuation), including a 5% HoH decline in the valuation of Times Square.

Citi gave WHARF REIC a Buy rating with a target price of $26.5.

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