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French Aviation Service Firm Reportedly Plans to Set Up Plant at NM, HK Airport for Aircraft Parts Recycling & Trading
2025-03-07 15:45:36
A French aviation service company is planning to establish an aircraft parts processing and trading center at Hong Kong International Airport and the Northern Metropolis (NM), marking the first of its kind in Asia, the South China Morning Post reported, citing sources.

This plan is expected to create thousands of jobs in Hong Kong. Authorities will later provide detailed explanations on the establishment of the plant and the collaboration with the service provider.

For Hong Kong to become Asia's aircraft parts processing and trading hub, sources believed that sufficient land must be provided to operate related services. It is suggested that a piece of land near the NM may be granted to the aviation service company for operations.

Sources also indicated that there are aircraft retired and dismantled into parts for trading and recycling every year. If Hong Kong can transform into a center for processing these parts, it will attract airlines from Asia and around the world, as well as other buyers and investors, which, as described by the sources, is a business with a massive scale.

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