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Lei Jun: Xiaomi to Continue Massive Investment in Core Foundational Tech
2025-03-07 07:06:19
Lei Jun, a National People's Congress deputy, founder, and chairman of XIAOMI-W (01810.HK), stated during the Two Sessions that Xiaomi’s long-term development strategy revolves around a “Human x Car x Home” integrated ecosystem, according to China Securities Journal.

Lei emphasized that Xiaomi will continue to heavily invest in foundational core technologies, aiming to position itself as a global leader in next-generation hardcore technology. He revealed that the group has pumped RMB105 billion in R&D over the past five years, a massive commitment that has driven transformative changes within Xiaomi.

Down the road, Lei affirmed that Xiaomi is more determined than ever to pursue a path of technological innovation and high-end development, enabling consumers worldwide to experience the benefits of a tech-enhanced lifestyle.

In addition, during an open session of the Beijing delegation yesterday (6th), Lei highlighted the dawn of an era where domestic brands are rising in full swing. He expressed gratitude to Beijing’s fertile ground and top-tier business environment, crediting them for fueling Xiaomi’s rapid growth and success over the past 15 years.

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