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NDRC Director: CN To Set up National VC Guidance Fund; Plan to Boost Consumption to Be Released Soon
2025-03-06 15:22:00
At the economic-themed press conference of the Third Session of the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC), Zheng Shanjie, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), stated that efforts will focus on better integrating the cultivation of new growth drivers with the upgrading of traditional ones. The aim is to accelerate the development of emerging and future industries, with plans to establish a National Venture Capital Guidance Fund in the near future to optimize, strengthen, and expand innovative enterprises.

Zheng revealed during the meeting that a special action plan to boost consumption will be released and implemented soon. Additionally, industry-specific measures will be introduced to address structural contradictions in key sectors, promoting the phase-out of outdated and inefficient production capacity while expanding the supply of mid-to-high-end capacity. This will enable the supply side to better adapt to evolving market demand.

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