HSI1 | 24,231.30 | -138.41 | 383.17B |
HSCEI1 | 8,914.03 | -24.06 | 180.15B |
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2025-03-06 10:47:51 CKH HOLDINGS (00001.HK) announced that it reached an agreement with the BlackRock-TiL consortium to sell its 80% stake in Hutchison Port Holdings (HPHS), a deal that is expected to generate cash proceeds of over US$19 billion for CKH HOLDINGS. Excluding Hutchison Port Trust and ports in mainland China and Hong Kong that are not covered by this transaction, the port assets sold in this transaction will have a handling capacity of 48 million TEUs in FY2023, which will contribute to more than 21% of the full-year revenue and about $11.8 billion of EBITDA, Goldman Sachs released a research report saying. It is expected that the potential cash income of US$19 billion will be roughly equivalent to the market capitalization of CKH HOLDINGS on the last trading day, and that the Group's debt burden ratio (DBR) will turn from approx. 16.4% to a net cash position by the end of 2024. ~ AAStocks Financial News Web Site: www.aastocks.com |