HSI1 | 24,231.30 | -138.41 | 383.17B |
HSCEI1 | 8,914.03 | -24.06 | 180.15B |
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2025-03-06 10:47:08 The investment ratings and target prices for TENCENT (00700.HK) from 20 brokers are as follows: Brokers│Investment Ratings│Target Prices (HKD) DBS│Buy│ 609 UBS│Buy│ 593 UOB Kay Hian│Buy│ 570 Citigroup│Buy│ 563 Macquarie│Outperform│ 560 CICC│Outperform│ 553 Morgan Stanley│Overweight│ 550 Jefferies│Buy│ 543 HSBC Global Research│Buy│ 540 Goldman Sachs│Buy│ 534 CMBI│Buy│ 525 Bank of America Securities│Buy│ 521 JP Morgan│Overweight│ 520 CLSA│Outperform│ 500 Nomura│Buy│ 500 CMS│Overweight│ 500 Haitong International│Outperform│ 500 Huatai Securities│Buy│ 492.22 BOCI│Buy│ 470 Guotai Junan│Overweight│ 460 ~ AAStocks Financial News Web Site: www.aastocks.com |