HSI1 24,231.30 -138.41 383.17B
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UOB Kay Hian Adds GEELY/ JD/ SHKP/ ZIJIN to Conviction Buy List
2025-03-05 12:51:38
UOB Kay Hian released a report noting that the HSI and MSCI China Index advanced MoM by 13.4% and 11.5%, respectively, in February, propelled by optimism in China’s technology sector. In March, escalating Sino-US tensions appear likely due to higher tariffs taking effect, potentially leading to greater market volatility.

As a result, the broker plans to quickly take profits and will only add stocks with less demanding valuations. New additions to the broker’s “Conviction Buy” list include GEELY AUTO (00175.HK), JD-SW (09618.HK), SHK PPT (00016.HK), and ZIJIN MINING (02899.HK).

Analyst Alpha Picks:
Stocks | Investment Ratings | Target Prices (HKD)
AIA (01299.HK) | Buy | 93
CHINA RES LAND (01109.HK) | Buy | 32.4
GEELY AUTO (00175.HK) | Buy | 27
JD-SW (09618.HK) | Buy | 200
HAIER SMARTHOME (06690.HK) | Buy | 42

HANSOH PHARMA (03692.HK) | Buy | 29
SHK PPT (00016.HK) | Buy | 103
ZIJIN MINING (02899.HK) | Buy | 21.2
HAN'S LASER (002008.SZ) | Buy | RMB34

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