HSI1 | 19,758.14 | -20.63 | 95.51B |
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CN NAFR Encourages Insurance Funds to Steadily Hike Proportion of Stock Mkt Investment
2025-01-23 09:49:16 Xiao Yuanqi, Deputy Director General of the National Administration Financial Regulation (NAFR), said at a press conference of the State Council Information Office (SCIO) that the Administration will further optimize and improve the investment policy of insurance funds, encourage insurance funds to steadily increase the proportion of stock market investment, and strive for 30% of the new premiums each year to be used to invest in the stock market. At present, insurance funds have invested more than RMB4.4 trillion in stocks and equity funds. In terms of the utilization of insurance companies' capital, 12% of the capital is invested in stocks and equity funds, and 9% in the equity of unlisted enterprises. ~ AAStocks Financial News Web Site: www.aastocks.com |