HSI1 | 20,647.03 | -142.93 | 114.22B |
HSCEI1 | 7,576.45 | -67.18 | 47.46B |
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SWIREPROPERTIES Buys back 600K Shrs for $9.5M
2025-01-20 17:49:50 SWIREPROPERTIES (01972.HK) announced that it had repurchased 600,000 shares of the company today (20th) at $15.62-15.9 per share, involving a total of approximately $9.5002 million. Since the passing of the resolution authorizing the repurchase, the Group has repurchased 55.5786 million shares, representing 0.9501% of its issued shares. ~ AAStocks Financial News Web Site: www.aastocks.com |