HSI1 | 20,652.84 | -137.12 | 112.84B |
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HKBN: InnoTech Ecosystem Alliance Will Boost Group Performance; I Squared Capital Yet to Propose Acquisition Offer
2025-01-20 17:40:16 HKBN (01310.HK) held the launching ceremony of "HKBN InnoTech Ecosystem Alliance" (HKBN iTEA) on Monday (20th) and signed ecological cooperation agreements with several tech companies, including Baidu AI Cloud, to help enterprises enhance operational efficiency and expand business through technological solutions. Denis Yip, President and Group Chief Operating Officer of HKBN, believed that the newly launched InnoTech Ecosystem Alliance will benefit the group's performance to a certain extent. As most of HKBN's profits currently come from the broadband business and its ICT business profits are relatively less impressive, he hoped that the cooperation will bring new directions for the group and enable the group to expand the market through unique solution services. In addition, there were foreign reports earlier regarding the US infrastructure investment company I Squared Capital mulling acquiring HKBN. Yip responded that discussions are still underway with I Squared Capital regarding the matter, and there is no comprehensive acquisition offer yet. ~ AAStocks Financial News Web Site: www.aastocks.com |